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Saturday, 11 December 2010

Share the URL and QR-Code

About Telpages

The .tel registry has published "Telpages", a searchable directory service of information stored in .tel domain names. People can search this for your company name, or for keywords and descriptive text listed in your .tel domain name. The information you store in your .tel domain is automatically used in the Telpages. Leading search engines like Google and Yahoo will index .tel names.

The keywords used in your .tel name can include hobbies, job title, occupation and this is indexed by "Telpages" along with your location. When people visit your .tel page, the links can generate an immediate contact. So, if someone clicks on a link to your email address, their machine will open an email program so the user can send you an email, if they click on a VOIP link a call will be initiated, and so on.

Search for .tel domains in the official .tel directory

TelPages search engine is developed specifically for navigating .tel pages and finding relevant contact information quickly and easily.

TelPages frequently indexes .tel domains focusing on the domain name, text headers, keywords and location. With TelPages, you can search for things or people, or limit your search to a specific geographical location with advanced search.

Search by type or location

There are many other situations where rather than finding one particular location shown on one .tel page, you want a choice of destinations; for example, when looking for a hotel or flower shop in the area around you.

For this type of search, use It will get your current location automatically, and search there – or read the Where field and search for all addresses and locations in that area with the radius specified below the map. Click “Clear location” if you want to search globally.

Filter: Showing only results containing Image, eMail, Phone, Internet Call, Fax or Instant Messenger

To get quality search results, we also recommend using the Filters, so that you can get well-populated .tel pages with phone numbers, images, IMs and email addresses.

How to share Telpages, respectively, Find a business or individual with a .tel domain: is a .tel Only Search Engine and mobile friendly web page: Share and scan it:
Click on a social media button, as well as, scan it's QR-Code to your cell phone. URL and QR-Code:
Share this .tel Only Search Engine and mobile-friendly Delivr URL of, with friends and fans.
Delivr has generated the QR Code for the mobile-friendly URL of, the .tel Only Search Engine: Distribute it where your audience can see and scan it.

It is easy to share via the Delivr website: Link:*

Tags: 2D Code Advertising, 2D Code Marketing, 2D Codes, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Mobile Marketing, QR Code Advertising, QR Code Marketing, QR Codes

Friday, 10 December 2010


www.Triest.Tel ist das neue mobile online Stadtverzeichnis von Triest.

Warum sehen TEL-Seiten anders aus als andere Webseiten? Verwechseln Sie Tel nicht mit anderen Domains! Andere Top-Level-Domains führen zu einer Webseite, während TEL-Domains hingegen zu einer Identität führen.

Nicht zu vergleichen sind TEL-Domains mit teuren 0700-Rufnummern oder so genannten Vanity-Nummern u.a.! Stattdessen bieten TEL's eine neue Infrastruktur, die eine Schnittstelle zwischen Telefon und Internet realisiert.

TEL-Domains haben den Preis für Best Domain Name TV Commercial gewonnen und wurden außerdem für den World Technology Award nominiert.

Bei stetig ansteigender Verbreitung werden zukünftig weitere Preise folgen. Am 29.10.09 hat diese neue Technik den renommierten Technologiepreis Models of Excellence 2009 gewonnen. Am 12.11.09 wurde dieser Innovation darüber hinaus auch der United Kingdom IT Industry Award 2009 verliehen.

Diese Kommunikationsart wurde gerade erst realisiert; es stehen besonders zukünftig weitere Entwicklungen an. Genau wie bei herkömmlichen Domains entstehen im Laufe der Jahre immer weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten.

Es gibt kaum ein anderes Produkt, welches so viele andere Funktionalitäten übernehmen und kombinieren kann.

So können TEL-Domains Gelbe Seiten, Kontaktverwaltung, SEO, soziales Netzwerk, Open-IDs u. v. a. ersetzen.

Die Bereitstellung dieses Services verfolgt die gleichen Umsetzungsziele, die schon von Google realisiert wurden.In einem großen Marktumfeld soll durch Vereinfachung sowie Benutzerfreundlichkeit ein hoher Nutzen entstehen.
Warum Ihre Firma eine .tel-Domain kaufen sollte …:

Mit einer .tel-Domain können Sie eine vollständig interaktive Kommunikationszentrale anlegen, mit der Sie entscheiden, wie und wo Ihre Kunden Sie erreichen können.

Mit einer .tel-Domain für Ihre Firma sind Sie im ersten weltweiten Verzeichnis für Kontaktdaten eingetragen.

Leiten Sie Kunden gezielt an zuständige Abteilungen und Standorte weiter:

Mit Ihrer .tel-Domain für die Firma können Sie Kunden einfach an die geeignete Abteilung oder den nächsten Standort weiterleiten. Das Ganze funktioniert mit einer schnellen, intuitiven Navigationsstruktur.

Halten Sie Kontakt mit Ihren Kunden – mit jedem Gerät:

Mit einer .tel-Domain sorgen Sie dafür, dass Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Marke mit jedem Gerät mit Internetverbindung sofort erreichbar ist. Ihre Kunden geben einfach die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma im Browser ein, wählen eine Form der Kontaktaufnahme und initiieren mit einem Klick die Kommunikation.

Praktisch erreichbar mit Mobilgeräten:

Die .tel-Domain Ihrer Firma ist für Mobilgeräte optimiert. Verwendet werden kleine, schnelle DNS-Abfragen, statt die gesamte Website oder den kompletten HTML-Content abzurufen. Dadurch kann Ihre Firma schnell und einfach mit allen Mobilgeräten gefunden werden.


Saturday, 13 November 2010

Weekend in Triest / Trieste

Use www.Triest.Tel: your mobile website.


Monday, 25 October 2010

Triest.Tel: A new mobile directory for German speaking Italy tourists

Why I made this directory in German language:
Because of the rich and important background history from the Austrian Habsburg empire (ca. 1250 until precisely 1918) who ruled the town, until Italy was allowed to take over the town.

Pros and cons of Triest:


--> very low criminal rate / no pick pockets / no violence in the streets
--> good food at restaurants
--> interesting housing market with lots of available and reasonable offers
--> promising economic situation: good outlook for the future
--> job offers
--> very mild and healthy climate
--> lots of sports activity options, just right there...
--> many fish markets and some good fish restaurants (sea food)
--> loads of reasonable pasta dishes at fast food places
--> lots of theaters, museums and cultural activities/events
--> fairly clean city
--> strict laws and high fines for air polluters, dog owners and motorists, who violate the rules
--> overall good quality of live, getting better, all the time
--> low tourism, compared with Venice and other Italien towns
--> good food and wine, everywhere
--> good and cheap public transportation
--> interesting and rich history of the city
--> lots of nice tea rooms (coffee) and bakeries
--> loads of stunning architecture/buildings, mainly historic palaces and art nouveau buildings
--> inhabitants helpful and reliable (punctual, etc.)
--> nearby Slovenia and Croatia, for trips and holidays
--> nice, for shopping, walking, or sitting in- or outside of cafe's
--> some nice communication with natives of the region (Italian language), at bus stops, for example, or the yearly sailing regatta, etc.


--> high cost for food at shops
--> weak economic situation at present
--> low income rate
--> many old inhabitants (30% over age 65) / highest number of old inhabitants town in Italy
--> a lot of traffic and dangerous drivers, who think that they own the road
--> not so friendly or cheerful people, compared with the rest of Italy (more Slovenia mentality)
--> most inhabitants neither speak English, nor German, but only Italian or Slovenian
--> not very bicycle friendly town and area: no bike sharing offers in the center, or nearby, and trains mainly don't transport bicycles. Better have your own folding bike...

Get your updated info about Triest, now! Right from the palm of your hand, via your smart phone (iPhone, for example)! Simply dial "", or scan the QR-Code, which you can find in the sub-folder "".

Link to Triest.Tel:

Find loads of stunning pictures/photographs and slide shows, etc.



Wednesday, 21 July 2010

A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!

A dotTEL business card image can be saved for linkage from your website!
Print one off, read it on your cell phone, let it dial your number. QRCode Readers here.
Learn more about QR codes in this video. will print and ship unique QR Code .tel business cards.
Online form:

Friday, 1 January 2010

Supercapacitors in electric cars

In an electric car, supercapacitors draw and store energy generated while the car is braking and feed it back into the system when the car moves off again. The result is greater acceleration, increased range and a longer lifespan for the car’s battery.

What are Supercapacitors?

With characteristics of both batteries and capacitors, supercapacitors (also called electrochemical capacitors or ultracapacitors) could be used by utilities to regulate power quality. A capacitor is a device that stores energy in the electric field created between a pair of conductors on which electric charges of equal magnitude, but opposite sign, have been placed. A supercapacitor is an electrochemical capacitor that has an unusually large amount of energy storage capability relative to its size, when compared to common capacitors. These are of particular interest in automotive applications for hybrid vehicles and as supplemental storage for battery electric vehicles, as well as power electronics applications such as in wind turbines.

Capacitors are electronic devices that that can provide enormous amounts of power, but only store very small amounts of energy. Alternatively, batteries can store large amounts of energy, but provide relatively low power outputs. Supercapacitors can provide both higher power outputs and store lots of energy.

Supercapacitor Technology

When a supercapacitor is charged, the energy is stored as a charge or concentration of electrons on the surface of a material. This means a supercapacitor is capable of very fast charges and discharges which can achieve a very large number of cycles without degradation, even at 100% depth of discharge (DOD). Capacitors are made from various materials in many ways, from multilayer ceramics, ceramic disc, multilayer polyester film, tubular ceramic, axial and radial polystyrene, to carbon nanotubes (Wikipedia, 2006a).

Supercapacitors found their first application in military projects such as starting the engines of battle tanks and submarines or replacing batteries in missiles. Common applications today include starting diesel trucks and railroad locomotives, actuators, and in electric/hybrid-electric vehicles for transient load levelling and regenerating the energy of braking. NASA has used 30 large supercapacitors in its turbo-electric city bus (EERE, 2006).

Carbon nanotubes and polymers, or carbon aerogels, are practical for supercapacitor designs. Carbon nanotubes have excellent nanoporosity properties, allowing tiny spaces for the polymer to sit in the tube and act as a dielectric. Polymers have a redox (reduction-oxidation) storage mechanism along with a high surface area. MIT's Laboratory of Electromagnetic and Electronic Systems (LEES) is researching using carbon nanotubes (LEES, 2006).

Supercapacitors are also being made of carbon aerogel. Carbon aerogel is a unique material providing extremely high surface area of about 400-1000 m2/g. Capacitances of up to 104F/g and 77 F/cm3 have been achieved. Some corporations, such as Cooper Electronic Technologies, are already producing aerogel-based supercapacitors. Their maximum voltage is 2.5V, but they can achieve an energy density of 325 kJ/kg (disputed as 10.6 kJ/kg, see Discussion), which is about 70% of that provided by the state-of-the-art lithium polymer batteries. Power densities achieved are even higher, up to 20 kW/kg, orders of magnitude higher than what Li-poly offers. Small aerogel supercapacitors are being used as backup batteries in microelectronics, but applications for electric vehicles are increasing (Wikipedia, 2006b).

Supercapacitor Applications

The newly developed Honda Fuel Cell Stack and ultra-capacitor combine to power the motor, with onboard high-pressure hydrogen tanks for fuel storage for the new Honda FCX hydrogen fuel cell car. The fuel cell vehicle is powered by an electric motor running on electricity generated by a fuel stack which uses hydrogen as its energy source. Considering factors such as energy efficiency during power generation and driving, overall system weight, and packaging efficiency, Honda has equipped the FCX with a system that combines a fuel cell stack and ultra-capacitor (see Figure 1) with onboard high-pressure hydrogen tanks (Honda Worldwide, 2006).

Renewable energy technologies feature in the applications for supercapacitors with Alain Riedo, vice president and general manager of Maxwell’s Swiss subsidiary, Maxwell Technologies SA, said that Enercon currently uses BOOSTCAP® ultracapacitors (see Figure 3) for backup energy storage and power delivery in wind turbine models ranging in output from 300 kW to 6 MW. “In addition to being one of the world’s largest wind turbine producers, Enercon is recognized as a leading innovator in the design and manufacture of megawatt class turbines,” Riedo said. “To optimize energy output and enhance system reliability and longevity, each of Enercon’s turbines’ three blades has an independent braking and pitch adjustment mechanism with backup power to ensure continuous operation in the event of a power failure. Each turbine incorporates from 200 to 700 BOOSTCAP ultracapacitors for backup power.” (Maxwell Technologies, 2006).

Ulrich Neundlinger, Enercon’s managing director of switching units, said that the company is expanding its use of ultracapacitors for blade pitch system backup power after initial deployments confirmed their significant advantages over traditional battery solutions. “Ultracapacitors enabled us to overcome a number of battery-related design challenges, including poor low temperature performance and limited operational life,” Neundlinger said. “Maxwell’s products emerged as the clear choice for this application on the basis of their robust construction, long operating life and cost-effectiveness. Wind turbine operators need low-maintenance systems that operate reliably for many years, and BOOSTCAP products have proven that they can help us to continue to meet our customers’ expectations.” (Maxwell Technologies, 2006).



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